What are you looking for in a player for the 18U and 16U National Bound teams?
We look for 4 key qualities in our players:
- Good attitude
- Great character
- Drive to become a better hockey player
- Ability to play the game of hockey at a high level
Who can play on the 18U, 16U, and 15U Pre/Post teams?
We want dedicated and committed players who will be playing for their high school teams during the winter season. This team is not "just to stay in shape" for the high school hockey season. We want players who want to continue to develop within the appropriate level of hockey.
Our practices our designed to help you develop your skills to maximize potential.
What will the tryouts be like for the per/post teams?
The tryouts will be intense. There will be a lot of competition to make the teams. Be prepared to play a fast, tenacious style of game. Teams will be split up randomly and players will scrimmage full ice 5 on 5. The evaluators might want to see the players play cross ice and small area games to further analyze skills and hockey sense.
I just want to play games, why do you only anticipate participation in 10 - 24 games (depending on level) for the Pre/Post Teams?
We talked to many high school coaches while brainstorming for this team. All the coaches wanted the teams to play no more than 20-24 games because they feel their players were getting tired by the end of the year. The high school coaches saw the huge benefit for their players playing in high end tournaments and receiving top notch coaching.